St. Thomas' Girls Senior Secondary School

Enlighten, Enable, Empower
Measure a nation’s progress not in terms of its GDP or its might as a global power, measure it rather on the parameter of its woman power. The statistics revealing the number of educated, financially independent, self reliant women, making informed choices, enjoying parity with their male counterparts, is not only a reflection but a true picture of the might of a nation.
Offering holistic education is our mission.

Sculpting balanced, complete and efficient individuals is our passion.

Faith in the Almighty is our life-spirit.

Service to humankind our impetus.

These were and these still are the reigning principles of this Institution.
  Times NIE Summer training program

  List of Book Vendors     

  Pariksha pe Charcha  

  Project Week - Junior Department  

  St. Thomas’ Girls School celebrates the

  Drill & Display Day in St. Thomas’ Girls

  STS on top - Awards keep on pouring

    Our cadets at the camp  

  Nursery Department  

Our school has been featured in 'The Indian
      Express', Tuesday, 24 January 2023 - Page 5

Another Feather in Our Cap! 

  We Miss You...

  Investiture Ceremony 2024 New  

  Epiphany 2024 New  

The Winners Take It All... New

Sports Day-Nursery Department  

  Alumna Meet 2024  

  Educational Trip To Jaipur  

  Candlelight Ceremony  

  Our water warriors  


       Disha Langan for your appointment as
       Judicial Office, at Delhi Judicial Services


                            Disha Langan
                            Batch – 2013-14

                    WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU

All rights reserved @ St. Thomas' Girls Senior Secondary School, Mandir Marg